Can you identify the expressions with 'time' in the following songs? 1) Noah and the Whale - ________________ Oh well, in __________ we could be walking round a zoo With the sun shining down over me and you And there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants, too I'll put my hand over your eyes but you'll peek through And there'll be sun, sun, sun all over our bodies And sun, sun, sun all down our necks And there'll be sun, sun, sun all over our faces And sun, sun, sun, so what the heck 'Cause I'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke All those stupid little cigarettes and drink stupid wine 'Cause its what we needed to have a _________ 2) LCD Soundsystem - Disco Infiltrator Bare in mind, we all fall behind, from _____ to ______ Bare in mind, we all fall behind, from _____ to ______ 3) Jungle - Time Say it, how I'm feelin' Ain't easy You know, you know ________________ Ooh! __...